Sunday, September 19, 2010

Abandoned no more.

A couple months ago a good friend asked if I had abandoned this blog and the truth is yes and no... after all, I'm back now. Approaching the one year anniversary of my arrival in Ukraine finds me at an emotional purgatory. I am not the same person who left Virginia a year ago. A lot about me has changed, for the better or for the worse I can't be sure. Unlike most changes I can pinpoint exactly what was the catalyst for my perceptional 360*. I see the world as a much larger place, more unforgiving. I came here to change everything I didn't like about my life in the states and I've done that, just not in the ways I thought I would. I feel like a fool for leaving the people I loved thousands of miles away. I don't know if things would have gotten as bad as they did if I was in Virginia but the isolation takes a toll. My thoughts are all over the place. The following posts will bring you back up to speed with my life here.

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